POD was engaged by LA3 landscape architects as community engagement lead for streetscape masterplan and upgrades to Therwine Street, Kuranda. We held a creative workshop attended by 40 Kuranda residents to troubleshoot issues of movement, transport & character, plus two information stalls to collect public preferences and opinions on priorities for landscape, seating, shade and future functions. We also met with over 20 community groups to discuss their opinions and aspirations for the future of Kuranda. This information was analysed and collated into an engagement and design report for the landscape architects and Mareeba Shire Council.
"The project certainly benefitted from the unique community engagement and design experience that POD is able to draw upon. POD's willingness to work as a team was appreciated by Council and the Kuranda Infrastructure Advisory Committee. This led to the people of Kuranda and other stakeholders having a range of opportunities to provide input to the design phase and a set of final drawings produced that reflected this community input, balanced by what is achievable with the available budget."
Glenys Pilat,
Manager Community Wellbeing
Mareeba Shire Council (Oct 2015)