Men from Umbakumba speaking with Shaneen

Groote Eylandt

POD was engaged by Mode to provide inter cultural community engagement and design services to Anindilyakwa Land Council (ALC) for three community and training centres (aka cultural centres) at Angurugu, Umbakumba and Alyangula on Groote Eylandt. In a very short program from April to August 2015, POD worked with Mode, the ALC and the Australian Government and met with more than 25 organisations and 300 people to reach endorsement of concept designs in each location.  We worked closely with the senior men and women and the ALC anthropologists to develop an engagement strategy that would work in the timeframe. We held many small group meetings, three workshops with schools at Angurugu and Umbakumba, and hosted a stall at the One People One Voice Festival in 2015. The cultural centres are due to commence construction in 2015 and will be completed with local building contractors and Andilyakwan labour and tradespeople. The following 3D animations of the projects were produced by MODE.